Israeli “Al-Nawaras Group” to represent the FF2020AI in Israel

The Future Forum for the Arab Investments “FF2020AI”, launched by the Emirati Magazine “Estesmarat”, has announced the nomination of the Israeli Al-Nawras Group as the FF2020AI representative in Israel and Palestine; a step that emphasizes the FF2020AI’s agenda for bolstering the values of partnership and peace based on the principle of exchanging the economic benefits among the peoples of the region and the whole world. This agenda also goes in line with the directives of the Wise Leadership of the Emirati state, may Allah protect it, to establish the UAE as a platform of regional peace and bolster the values of partnership and benefits for all the peoples of the region, especially in light of the recent peace agreement signed between the AUE and Israel.
The FF2020AI is regarded as “Davos of the Arabs” which has been launched by the Emirati “Estesmarat” Magazine Group as an initiative with a media vision that enhances the readiness to face crises. The Initiative is launched by Journalist/ Mohamed Shams al-Din, the founder and CEO of the Estesmarat Magazine Group, with the aim to enhance the role of the Arab media and promote the investment opportunities in the sustainable development sectors in the after math of the Covid19 pandemic, particularly in the sectors of renewable energy, health care, vaccine development, food industries and supplies, High Tech and distant-learning technologies
Regional Humanitarian Partnership
Mohamed Shams al-Din, the Founder and CEO of the FF2020AI, has stated that the FF2020AI is proud to have nominated Dr, Naim Abu Rayash, the Chairman of Board of the Israeli al-Nawras Group, to represent the FF2020AI in each of Israel and Palestine within the framework of upgrading the role of the Arab Media through publicizing the investment opportunities available in the sustainable development sectors in each of the UAE and Israel. Furthermore, Dr. Naim Abu Rayash will be responsible for explaining and delivering the FF2020AI message to the Israeli investment agencies as well as the private investment entities to present the promising investment opportunities in UAE.

The UAE a Universal Model
For his part, Dr Naim Abu Rayash, expressed his happiness with this nomination, affirming that the UAE has a special position in all the Arab countries and that, thanks to its wise leadership’s directives and insightful vision for the enhancement of the values of construction, prosperity and peace with all the nations of the world , it has become an exemplary state with universal practices that attract all investors, major businesses and Transcontinental corporations to start their businesses in an inspiring environment where 210 nationalities from the four corners of the world are living.

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